The secret to having a difficult conversation
Part 1
Conversations about tough topics can seem insurmountable, and you can’t imagine actually talking through the issues - instead you imagine the person losing their temper at you and you can feel your heart beat and your hands sweat at the thought of even saying a word.
So what’s actually going on?
There’s a lot going on for you, when you think about having a difficult conversation. Typically though there’s 3 key areas and you can here them now when you listen to Megan chat with Jolly and Shelley at MaxFM 1073 about the secret to having a difficult conversation well.
But this conversation is only half the story. . .
Part 2
Megan re-joins the breakfast team at MaxFM1073 with Part 2 on the secrets to having a difficult conversation well. As she identifies the difference between conversations. The ones we have without “thinking” about it much – autopilot, and the ones that we go “over and over” in our head – the difficult ones.
What stories are you telling yourself?
Listen to Part 2 as Megan turns the page and chats about how we can dramatize or embellish what’s happened and the assumptions we make about the other person’s intentions. But more importantly how to STOP doing this to achieve a positive outcome when you need to have a difficult conversation.