What is Dispute Resolution and how does it work?
Experts in fair and positive dispute resolution
Conflict can flare up in any workplace at any time. Whether it’s disputes between team members and management, disagreements between teams or cranky customers, it drags down morale, reputation and bottom line.
What we do
At The Resolution Network, we provide a highly successful mediation service that is a fast and effective way to open up communication and restore trust. This is so that those involved – and the business as a whole – can find a positive way forward.
The Resolution Network has nationally accredited mediators with extensive experience in helping people work through differences to create positive working relationships. We understand the dynamics of the workplace environment and how to bring people together to:
identify the issues,
progress past the roadblocks,
reach common ground and
plan for a more positive future for all stakeholders.
We have helped business of all shapes and sizes to resolve disputes, communicate more effectively, improve morale and get business back on track.
The good news:
It’s never too late to start. And when we proactively deal with differences in the workplace, we avoid pain and heartache. Instead, relationships are strengthened if the differences are addressed early, rather than letting the situation deteriorate.
Who is it for?
Managers and business owners who’ve tried to resolve disputes between team members but find the same issues keep cropping up
Team members who used to have a positive working relationship but have stopped talking with each other
Business owners who are “too close” to the issues and need someone external and independent to assist
Restoring workplace relationships after a workplace grievance or complaint has been lodged by a team member
Benefits to your business
Resolve disputes early to avoid drawn out conflicts that drain productivity, damage team morale and waste management time.
Get independent and external professional assistance to resolve complex or ingrained conflict (becuase sometimes, it is not enough just to sit down with a manager and “have a chat”).
Break the cycle of internal meetings that don’t create change in behaviour by using an independent and neutral third party. Bring fresh eyes and ears to the table, with someone who is not party to any of the previous conversations.
Boost business productivity by helping team members focus on the future and clarify roles and responsibilities (rather than get caught up in “school yard gossip”).
Ready to get started?
Get in touch with our team to learn more about how we can support you with dispute resolution inside your business.